Stroke and Sleep

Sleep Disorders

Sleep problems can increase with age, and frequently occur or worsen after stroke.  Many sleep disorders include:

Sleeping Soundly

There are many reasons people have a difficult time falling or staying asleep.  Many common problems can be addressed without the use of medication or pharmaceutical sleep aids.  There are no guaranteed “cures” for insomnia, but there are effective steps you can take.

The following are sleep aid suggestions, and are in no way intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have.  Some or all of these suggestions may or may not be of benefit to you.

  1. Food/Beverages
    • Melatonin
    • Hot milk and honey
    • Tart cherry juice
    • Herbal Tea (non-caffeinated)
    • No food for 3 hours before bedtime
    • Restrict caffeine after 12:00 pm
    • Restrict alcohol
  2. Sleeping Environment
    • Cool room
    • Wear socks to bed
    • Using a fan or white noise machine
    • Completely dark room
    • Relaxation or Sleep CDs
    • Soft music
    • Check mattress and pillows for wear
    • Remove electronic devices from the bedroom
  3. Bedtime Routine
    • Avoid or dim blue light (i.e. tv screens, laptops, tablets, cellphones) for an hour before bedtime
    • Aromatherapy
    • Maintain a good sleep schedule
    • Warm bath
    • Sleep restriction (do not stay in bed past a certain time in the morning, even if you slept poorly; keep to a routine)
    • Gentle yoga or meditation before bed
    • Try and exercise everyday


A resource for consumers – dedicated in memory of John P. Scholz, PhD